Hectic Host: A Day Trip Back in Time
The May Bank holiday always reminds me of the family days out of my childhood. My Dad cracking hardboiled eggs on the dashboard of the Anglia; my sister and I, shivering from the sea, sitting on a cooler box the size of a bank safe tucking into ham and sand sandwiches. The orange squash, fruit juice had yet to be discovered, the Tupperware tainted salads. It was the age of Tupperware; when future archaeologists try to excavate our past they will first have to break through the hermetically sealed plastic seam of the seventies. Each upstanding piece of porcelain in our house had its own portable, plastic nemesis. Whilst some 70s parents where chucking their car keys into the middle of the room, mine had thrown their whole lot in with Tupperware INC. Beakers, bowls, mugs and jugs; the boot of the Anglia was full of it. My favourite was the infamous ‘Slim Jim’, a hybrid of a container which went everywhere with us. As it bore no relation to any other product in existence we alw...