Love Bakery - Cupcakes from the Heart by Samantha Blears.
Sam's matter of fact approach to baking guides you step-by-step through the basic techniques, you feel led by the hand rather than made to follow a recipe. Gradually your confidence grows with Sam's infectious passion for her craft and your mind will start whirling with ideas of your own for possible fillings and toppings.
More than just a book about baking, Sam demonstrates that there is inspiration to be fond in everything, as her montage mood boards pay testament, from an autumn leaf to a rediscovered lost button. Your imagination is the cherry, on the icing, on the cake.
Our favourite high points are the liquor laced Cuptails and the sage advice for the nervous novice; 'What's the worst that can happen? You can eat your mistakes'.
Love Bakery – Cupcakes from the Heart is one of those books you just want to stroke. Snuggle up with a cupcake and a copy.