National Burger Day at Roullier White
Vegetarians, look away now! It’s National Burger
Day, the time when humanity comes together regardless of social, religious, or
national divides to commune in the holy house of meat and bun. The humble
hamburger has had something of a renaissance of late, and restaurants like
Honest Burger, Meat Liquor, Hawksmoor and countless (no, seriously, countless)
others have made it their duty to elevate the sandwich to new gastronomic
heights. This isn’t just a recent trend; back in the 90s efforts to drag the
simple burger up to the culinary big leagues involved inept displays of nouveau
riche posturing by even respected chefs, slapping truffle, foie gras, and gold
leaf on top of a thoughtlessly put-together patty. In recent years however, the
process for making a great burger has been boiled down to the essentials: good
bread, good meat, and bad cheese. All other variables are pretty much up for
debate: onions or no onions? tomato or no tomato? Just remember the universally
applicable golden rule, as laid down by the doyen of dirty New York street
food, Anthony Bourdain: “Wherever you get your burger, please, order it
medium-rare. It is, after all, your patriotic duty.”
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