We all know the importance of proper hygiene, but did you know that your trusty household soap and hand wash can contain a number of potentially harmful chemicals that could be the source of itching, irritation, and eczema? Two such chemicals are sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS), and Triclosan, both of which have come under increasing scrutiny in recent years for both their ubiquity and their potentially damaging properties. SLS is used to create a foaming effect, and is found in a variety of body care products, from shampoo to toothpaste. This common chemical can, however, cause dryness and irritation for the surprisingly large number of people who are sensitive to it. Similarly, Triclosan is added to a large number of care and beauty products as an antibacterial agent, appearing in the ingredient list of almost half of all commercially available soaps, not to mention a huge number of deodorants and toothpastes, to name but a few. Currently undergoing review by the FDA, the substanc...