The Cats whiskers

Whilst checking out the contents of the commercial cat food my cats prefer in the supermarket the other day I was horrified to read that it contained '3% meat.' 'What is the other 97% ?' I asked my tame vet friend. Apart from the non-specifics it seems that the jelly and gravy in cat food is a made almost completely of sugar and caramel; which is why they refuse to eat anything else. After a little investigation we discovered Nature's Menu which has a 70% meat content and is free from artifical additives, preservatives, colours and flavours. Lola & Milo love it. You can buy it on line from

Talking of cats be aware that the pollen in lilies is poisonious, the cats get it in their fur and lick it off. It can be fatal. Avoid lilies or remove the stamen.


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