Dulwich Going Greener

The Dulwich Going Greener campaign group, abreast with current trends, has just launched its very own green shopper. Dulwich dwellers have been snapping them up by the armful. We have found them perfect for the groceries purchased from low carbon footprint local traders, picnicking and generally making a bit of a stylish statement. 

Those of you who got your fingers burned by other, ahem, responsible shoppers should fear not the www.dulwichgoinggreener.org shopper is made from jute, which requires no fertilisers or pesticides as it grows like a weed, and is assembled by adults paid a fair wage, working acceptable hours, in safe conditions. Can't say fairer trade than that!

www.dulwichgoinggreener.org shoppers are available from Roullier White, 125 Lordship Lane, London SE22 8HU or visit www.dulwichgoinggreener.org to find other outlets.


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