Mrs White's Swatnot™ - all natural fly spray
Whilst all of us would claim to not to want to harm a fly it is easy to forget the real harm these pests cause us. Each fly carries over three million bacteria and is responsible for transmitting around 65 documented diseases. The pain and discomfort caused by these prolific creatures far out ways any argument to the contrary, left to breed unchecked the effects can be catastrophic with each female producing over 500 offspring. To make matters worse flies are attracted by human perspiration which is the reason why the will constantly buzz around you. However, just as dangerous as the house fly or stable fly are the horrendous household pesticides we use to control them. Fly sprays are very dangerous poisons, the effects of these poisons on our health are incalculable. Most fly sprays contain Dichlorvos, a known carcinogenic and many use dangerous heavy metals such as mercury and lead. In fact household fly sprays are so dangerous it is amazing that they are still sold. You coul...