Today's Special: Salmon and Potato Salad with Apple & Onion

Pop along to you local fishmonger (we are so lucky in Dulwich to have two fabulous ones: F C Soper is just around the corner from me and I have been going there since I was a child, we are truly blessed to have such a great fish shop on our doorstep, and Moxons (who by the way make the best fish cakes ever)) and pick up some hot roast salmon.

If you are lucky enough to be going to F C Soper make sure you buy a jar of their delicious mayonnaise as you will need it for this recipe.

Salmon and Potato Salad with Apple & Onion

You will need:
  • Hot roast salmon
  • Some cooked new potatoes (just rub them under the tap before boiling as all the goodness is under the skin)
  • Some really good mayonnaise
  • A diced onion
  • A chopped apple
  • Some chopped cherry tomatoes if you happen to have them in the fridge
  • Some dill and / flat leaf parsley

  • Combine all of the above and enjoy.
You might want to remember this tip and rub some stainless steel over your fingers to remove all traces of odour after handling the salmon; chefs use their knives. Those of us who chose not to life life on the cutting edge might like to invest in one of Roullier White's handy, and very pleasing to the eye, Rubaway stainless steel soaps.


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