Smell de Jour; Lavender Water by Caldey Island

Today I sshall be wearing Lavender Water by Caldey Island. Yesterday it was all about Agrumi by Farmacia SS. Annunziata, Farmacia SS. Annunziata was originally the apothecary owned by the Benedictine monks of Saint Nicholas, who used the herbs from their monastery garden to create cures for themselves and the local population. Much closer to home the Benedictine monks of Caldey Island in Wales have been making a Lavender Water that has been referred to as the best lavender in the World.

Caldey Island's Island Lavender Water was developed by Flemish perfumer Hugo Collumbien. Luca Turin says in his book 'Perfumes: The Guide - by Luca Turin and Tania Sanchez'; “ its gently handled linalool, lavender's 10-carbon alcohol, results in endlessly blue daylight air. It reminds me of Vermeer's use of the precious pigment ultramarine, made from lapis lazuli and traditionally reserved for the Virgin Mary's robe, on the apron of a servant pouring milk. A blessing for the daily round and common task.” High praise indeed for the monks of Caldey Island.

This hard-to-get-hold-of fragrance is harder to get hold of than most, made in small batches if the weather is bad on around Caldey Island then boat that carries it to the mainland will not set sail.

A delightfully clear lavender with a musk underscore and it is only an amazing £16.

Caldey Island Lavender Water is available from Roullier White.


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