
Showing posts from May, 2007

Safe sox

There is nothing sadder than a solitary sock on wash day; apart from perhaps a Christmas tree blowing down the street on Valentine’s Day, but that’s a whole different story. Whilst all the others have been hanging out and met their match, there will always be one lonely sock that sits there on the bedspread staring back up at you; desperate for its sole mate. You do what you can but at the end of the day the solitary sock will inevitably be banished to the back of the drawer, a lost cause. It was whilst contemplating the many lost souls at the back of my overly burgeoning chest of drawers that I cast my mind back and remembered my mother’s very simple laundry rule. Father had black socks, my sister has white socks, I had grey sock and my mother had stockings. I felt horrible doing it but I bundled all every single, and coupled, sock into the car and took them all to the textile recycling bin. Then I popped into Selfridges and bought myself five pairs of black, five pairs of blue and f...

Dulwich Going Greener

The Dulwich Going Greener campaign group, abreast with current trends, has just launched its very own green shopper. Dulwich dwellers have been snapping them up by the armful. We have found them perfect for the groceries purchased from low carbon footprint local traders, picnicking and generally making a bit of a stylish statement.  Those of you who got your fingers burned by other, ahem, responsible shoppers should fear not the shopper is made from jute, which requires no fertilisers or pesticides as it grows like a weed, and is assembled by adults paid a fair wage, working acceptable hours, in safe conditions. Can't say fairer trade than that! shoppers are available from Roullier White, 125 Lordship Lane, London SE22 8HU or visit to find other outlets .

A fresh start; people, pet, planet and price friendly household cleaners by Isabella Smith from Maison Belle

This original cleaning formula was discovered by sheer accident. A small Danish soap manufacturer added a few drops of an alcohol combination, now called IC4™ extract, to his old formula and to his surprise the soap’s cleaning effect was increased by several hundred percent. Using this process natural, non-toxic, cleaning products become extraordinarily efficient. The MAISON BELLE® range was born and quickly became immensely popular in Scandinavia. Roullier White is proud to introduce it into the UK. MAISON BELLE® is the sole manufacturer of household cleaning products containing the non-toxic activator IC4™ extract. The products are 100 per cent degradable, completely harmless, and incredibly efficient. The products are scented with essential oils, leaving your house smelling naturally clean. All products are tested at leading Danish laboratories. None of the products are tested on animals. MAISON BELLE® BATH, Lavender-Mint, 500 ml £4.00   This effective and non-toxic household cleane...